Installing Emoncms on Windows (docs update)

I installed emoncms on a windows laptop today for John Cantor who's using it as part of an onsite diagnosis tool for troubleshooting heatpump problems. He has a series of wireless temperature sensors that he connects to various parts of the heatpump who's data gets received by a jeelink connected to a laptop, the data is then logged to emoncms.

I've updated the windows installation guide to mention to use version 6.9 of emoncms rather than the new version 7 which features redis.

I've also added corrections to the getting phptimeseries to work section and added a new section on using a jeelink with python to forward the data to emoncms, there's a new minimal serial to emoncms link example script or alternatively the full oem_gateway can also be used.

it all seemed to work quite nicely.