Solar PV emonCMS feeds

I am trying to separate out the imported power and exported power, so I can display them independently. My feeds on my Grid CT are logging the net value, then using the 'Allow Positive' process to log just positive values, but how do I then log just the negative values, and then add the solar PV generation to get the consumption?


ngbod's picture

Re: Solar PV emonCMS feeds

Have a look at the attached screenshots from my system. This is what I use to separate things out.

Input1 is grid ct, input2 is ct from inverter and input 3 is diverted to immersion ct.

Just remove the references to input3 and immersion diversion if you don't use it.

AllenConquest's picture

Re: Solar PV emonCMS feeds

Thanks that gave me some pointers and I'm now collecting the data correctly. Just setting up a dashboard to display all the new information!

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