Event and Update DB error update.class.php line 64

I open a new topic,

1) I set some event, but no mail , i would like set some sort of event if do not receive update for last 10 or 15 minutes turn on a LED and send a mail.
How can i check if something is wrong in the event?  How can i set the event to do that?

2) When i try to update the db i receive that error

Call to a member function fetch_object() on a non-object in /var/www/emoncms/Modules/admin/update_class.php on line 64

I checked the sql query inside file update_class.php and at line 63 make a query ("SELECT userid, id, processList, time, record FROM input")

but inside Mysql INPUT  is not present the table record...

I manually create the field record text like processList, now update db look working.. actually i dont know just show a page with the only text UPDATE DATABASE nothing more.

But do not send any mail for EVENT ...(from a mail client is normally sent)

thanks a lot...
