4x Multiplexed RTD Temperature sensor module

Dear all,

while 4x Multiplexed RTD Temperature sensor module is described, I cant find the module in the shop.

What mistake I did ???


Robert Wall's picture

Re: 4x Multiplexed RTD Temperature sensor module

Unfortunately there is no mistake. The module is not available as a kit at present. If you wish to build this design, you will need to design your own layout, either as a printed circuit board or possibly using an Arduino prototype shield.

Alternatively, you might wish to look at using 4 of the addressable DS18B20 temperature sensors and multiplexing in software.

meyia's picture

Re: 4x Multiplexed RTD Temperature sensor module

Thanks for the rapid answer my friend

could you please make clear how to use 4 DS18B20 sensors ??

what I actually want to do is to take the water temperature from a solar boiler, inserting a RTD Temperature sensor in the output of the water (using a T). How could I achive the same result with 4 DS18B20 ???


thanks again :))

Robert Wall's picture

Re: 4x Multiplexed RTD Temperature sensor module

See here: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/buildingblocks/DS18B20-temperature-sen...

Read all of the page because the way you wire the sensors is very important.

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