Realtime graph customization


I am uploading data to emoncms and have created a dashboard, but I'd like to have a realtime graph in a small section on the screen. However, at lot of it is taken up by the buttons to select the time period. Could there be an option of whether these are displayed or not, and then a default period selected in the widget configuration?

I've not just looked at how these are all coded, but Java programming is my job, so I may be able to help.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Realtime graph customization

The realtime graph really needs re-coding to be less intensive on the server, at the moment it makes repeated requests for the full window which may be 300-400 datapoints long, it would be much better if it constructed the history itself fetching only the last value every request, I havent had a chance to look at it yet, the code for it is here if your interested:

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Realtime graph customization

A few of the graphs could do with updating to reflect the continuing development & diverse usage of emoncms.

For example;

  • The Bar Graphs do not display negative data values (which would be useful for 'min temp' etc)
  • The Raw Data Graph always displays Average Power & kWh at top, despite the graph being used generically across all data types (temp, gas pulse, solar etc).


AllenConquest's picture

Re: Realtime graph customization

Hi Paul,

I'm very new to this, so could you outline what I need to put together for a development environment for emoncms widgets and graphs? Or if there are instructions online could you point me in the right direction?

At the moment I just have my Pi forwarding data to, but I'm guessing I'll need something local to be able to test out changes to any graphs?



Paul Reed's picture

Re: Realtime graph customization

To have the flexibility to develop emoncms, the easiest solution would be to run emoncms via your own server (on your Raspberry Pi), so that you can develop & test ideas locally. There are many other advantages with running your own server anyway, including a number of modules which are not available on

Once you are happy with your development, most contributors use Github (Trystan gave you the link above to the emoncms Git account), where you can then make a 'Pull Request' to Trystan & Glyn, who I'm sure would consider the proposed changes.
If they were considered to be of benefit, they would be committed to the emoncms Git master, and rolled out to & for other users.

Some details on the system architecture is here if it helps, but of course there's usually good support in this forum.



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