EmonTX FTDI life signs?

I just soldered up two EmonTX modules and the EmonLCD module, and am wondering how I can tell that the modules are functional. I understand that the Atmega chips don't have anything more than a bootloader installed. I understand that the USB ports are only for power, which explains why my Linux doesn't notice anything connecting when I plug it in.

The FTDI programmer lights up with a blue light when I plug it in to either the USB port, or to a module that is also plugged into USB. Linux notices it when I plug it into the host. The Arduino IDE does not seem to show it in the Devices tab, while my Arduino Uno shows up fine.

How can I test the FTDI programmer? Opening the serial port with screen does not respond to key presses, nor do any lights blink about any data. I have read previous forum posts about bad FTDI programmers and USB cables, so I tried a new cable with no difference.

How should the FTDI programmer behave, according to the computer's view? Should I be able to echo stuff to /dev/ttyUSB0 and cat out something later? Perhaps the Arduino IDE is trying to talk and not receiving anything? If it is in fact dead, what family of FTDI programmers should I look for when buying a replacement?

Please excuse my ignorance, this is my first Arduino project!

jb79's picture

Re: EmonTX FTDI life signs?


Do you have the programer from the shop here? Then you should plug it to the EmonTX, select Arduino Uno und the second option for the programmer. You also have to select the correct (virtual) COM port.

As I'm not using it under Linux I can't give you information about what devices should respond when the programmer is connected.

best regards

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