Clean install on apache server

Hi all,

I decided to add a backup solution to my local emoncms, and have tried to follow the github instructions in order to get an emoncms instance up and running.

I have encountered some glitches and would like to help in amending the documentation.

With a clean ubuntu install these were the additional steps I had to follow to be able to get to a working (e.g I could register

the first user) emoncms instance:


Git not present:

Solution: apt-get install git-core



the install script will silently fail if no make and/or gcc packages are present.

Solution: apt-get install make gcc


Php json: Registration won't work (and any function that calls json_decode)

Solution: apt-get install php5-json


Apache mod rewrite:

The docs are cryptical, and in Ubuntu there is no default  <Directory> block in which to change the stated settings.


Solution: add the block entirely:

<Directory />

                        Options FollowSymLinks
                        AllowOverride All
<Directory /var/www/>
                        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                        AllowOverride All
                        Order allow,deny
                        allow from all

inside the <VirtualHost> tag


With these additional settings I was able to register and operate the new emoncms instance.
