I've been looking all over the web for information on "Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring", which seems to be an emerging hot trend in the commercial/academic sector.
Basically, it's a device that sits on a home wall socket (or in the electrical panel), and montiors voltage/current fluctuations. It's smart enough to distinguish between fluctions caused by a coffee pot (for example) and a TV set being turned on. By using a learning algorithm and signal processing techniques, it's able to discern when these devices are turned on/off, and how much power's used by each device.
There's several initiatives that have pursued this, including:
Electrisense: http://ubicomplab.cs.washington.edu/wiki/ElectriSense
These guys created a company called "Zensi", which was promply bought by Belkin:
There's a whole number of other academic pursuits and companies that have recieved DOE grants, etc. if you search google for "Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring".
The closest commercial offiering I could find with an actual product is Navetas Home Energy Montior out of the UK: http://www.navetas.com/products/showcase/energy-monitor/
Even that isn't for sale, yet. The Belkin product seems to still be in stealth mode, but it's probably going to hit stores in the next few years.
Which leads me to the question - is there anything in the home-hobbiest arena that's using this kind of technology? The hardware these things are using is not at all new, pretty much what's documented on this site.
What's unique is the algorithms or "software brains" behind how the signals are processed to identify appliances.
The beauty of Open Source however is the ability to crowdsource solutions, and this problem is fortunately a software one. Software solutions are often easier to create open solutions for, as tweaks only require more code which is cheaper to implement than open hardware (which already exists).
Is there anything in the home-hobbiest arena that's using disaggregate, signal processing Non Intrusive Load Monitoring algorithms?
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
The NILM project started in the 80's at the MIT by George W. Hart and his colleagues (he called it NALM though "Nonintrusive Appliance Load Monitoring). The first approach, that was patented by them, used hardware to estimate any power step change and managed to locate mainly resistive loads with a clear step change. The approach in Washington is to monitor the noise and harmonics that resonates over the phase when appliances are turned on or off or change their state. This approach requires high frequency monitoring and there might be a good ADC to translate this for the Arduino. A combination of these two approaches is currently being persued at MIT to detect and monitor large loads like climate controlling units in commercial buildings.
I have written a small moving window analysis of the incoming data for my arduino. The step changes are followed and once they are above a certain threshold they are matched against known measurements. I haven't had time to tidy up the code but I think you'll be able to follow it. Right now it only tracks one entity of power and only one phase but you can easily add the other measurements to get a more sophisticated recognition. If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know.
PS. Finding appliances today cheaply (without high frequency measurements) is really hard today since many of our appliances consume power very differently depending on how they are used and therefore blend together in measurements. You should be able to find the bigger appliances though with this code (washing maschine heater, toaster, electric kettle... - which is still fun
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Schepparn, that's some pretty cool implementation!
Approximatation of the larger loads is usually "good enough" to track and trend the majority of energy loss. Of course, it won't capture every vampire load but will catch the big players. And even if it's got to be "hand tuned" to certain appliances over a week or two (something big corps. would NEVER sell) it's still something to explore and learn about the process.
Now I gotta buy the hardware! I've been exploring this field for a few months and the only option I resigned to was an army of Tweet-a-watts. Maybe this combined with a few tweet-a-watts will take care of the vast majority of loads. Now to find the time...
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I'm interested in load disaggregation so as to be able to infer activities of daily life of the elderly living alone.
I have been running a small scale trial to collect household power and water use data. I have studied disaggregation schemes and would like to co-operate with like minded individuals to develop effective open source algorithms.
I've been using current only monitoring because I've been using an off the shelf monitor from Current Cost. I believe that current and voltage monitoring, probably with 24 bit resolution and maybe transient acquisition may be required to effectively disaggregate all but the major appliances. One of the problems is that I want to have a sensor that users can self install without having to employ an electrician so getting voltage date is hard. Onzo and Navetas do this (I think using different approaches) but it all seems to be tied up in patents. Onzo have also done lots of work on disaggregation in the cloud. I'd prefer to see this done in the home - and the system should, ideally, learn appliance characteristics from acquired data rather than from an appliance database and user configuration.
Any ideas welcome.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Just a very quick reply for now (would love to write more but am racing to meet a deadline!)
I'm 1 year into a PhD on disaggergation and my ultimate aim is to produce an open-source software package for disaggregating aggregate data from off-the-shelf meters like Current Costs and emonTXs (and "proper" smart meters when they start to be installed). I'd love to help out (or collaborate!) in any way... if you're based near London then perhaps we could discuss over a coffee?
I agree that being able to resolve changes of 1 or 2 watts (or less) is probably important. As is having readings of both real and reactive power.
I wrote a series of three blog posts on disaggregation here: http://jack-kelly.com/taxonomy/term/104
And here's my literature database: https://www.zotero.org/jack_kelly/items
Doing disaggregation well isn't easy (and no body is able to do it with anything like 100% accuracy for all appliance types yet)
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I think some appliances will have a definite signature (a lamp, for example). Others will have more than one signature (a dehumidifier will probably have standby, running, and defrost modes, but all will be a predictable load. But then you come to devices like laptops where playing a game or watching a full screen movie (no, not THAT type!) can cause the standard power consumption to double or more.
So I think a mixed approach would be needed. Central monitoring will be fine for certain loads, but you're going to need appliance based monitoring for devices like computers, TVs, etc.
Having said that, a signature isn't just current - it's also phase angle, and that might help to determine what a particular load is.
Also I guess it depends whether you want to monitor a 20W CFL somewhere in your house going on, or a particular bulb. If you're content with knowing a bulb has been switched on somewhere then it's easy, but if you want to know which particular bulb it is then the monitoring is far more complex.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
If you'd like to see signatures of lots of different appliances then see http://www.tracebase.org/
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Been a year or so - glad to see there's activity on this front!
Jack - awesome work! Best of luck with your PhD process and I sincerely appreciate your open sourcing this work. It takes a lot of time to develop the algorithms involved and having even a basic open source implementation of NILM would really help the effort along!
Have you been in touch with Mario Berges or Zico Kolter at Carnegie Mellon University in the US?They are both working on the NILM problem indepth and have begun to address the issue of the lack of data sets.
Mario Berges: http://tbc.ce.cmu.edu/people/faculty/berges.html
Zico Kolter: http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~zkolter/
1st International NILM Confernece abstracts/slides: http://www.ices.cmu.edu/psii/nilm/agenda.html
Tons of great resources there.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Hi Electron,
Yes, as you say, Zico Kolter and Mario Berges are both doing amazing work. I'll been following their research output for a while now. All great stuff!
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
By the way, if you are based in the UK and are working on some aspect of smart meter disaggregation / Non-Intrustive Load monitoring then please get in touch; we're hoping to plan a UK disaggregation meetup ;)
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
It looks like the Belkin stuff mentioned in the original post is getting closer to being a product (for both power and water):
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Many thanks for those interesting links!
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Just a very quick note that a few of us are toying with the idea of setting up a wiki and/or online community to support electricity disaggregation (aka NILM / NALM / NIALM) researchers. Some more details here.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
As a forum newbie and complete idiot in the area of electronics, please could I ask for a pointer?
We have had Solar Thermal panels added, and are having problems with the Wagner control system. Our installer has done his best, but has not fixed it yet. Thus I am attempting to monitor and log the temperature profile of our heat store cylinder that supplies heat for DHW and the underfloor heating. That looks pretty straight forward with a Raspberry Pi and I am well on the way with that bit.
It would be nice to add into the log the state of the underfloor heating pump (on/off) and the solar thermal circulation pump (on/off). In searching this site I have only come up with this Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring thread. It has been very interesting (if mostly beyond my level of knowledge) but i s there a thread that looks at what I am seeking? Alternatively, can any of you experts point me to a nice road tested and proven way of generating a signal for the Rapberry Pi?
Many thanks.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I would suggest connecting a mains coil relay in parallel with each pump and using the isolated contacts to connect to your processor to log the on and off state of each pump.
Simple , safe and relatively low cost. suitable relays on ebay and the usual suspects.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
We've just started work on an open source software toolkit for doing disaggregation: nilmtk. It will be a good few months before it does anything useful though ;)
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Wow, the screenshot you have there on your github https://github.com/nilmtk/nilmtk/ of load disaggregation looks amazing, is that being generated now?
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Hiya! Ooops, no, we should definitely make it clearer that nilmtk can't do that yet! It was just an illustration of what NILM can do ;) Sorry, I'll make sure we get that clearer!!!
Some time soon (2-3 months? Maybe 6 months) nilmtk should be able to do that, though ;)
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I am Nipun and I am one of the contributors of nilmtk https://github.com/nilmtk/nilmtk/
The image used comes from my prior publication:
Nipun Batra, Haimonti Dutta, Amarjeet Singh, “INDiC: Improved Non-Intrusive load monitoring using load Division and Calibration”, to appear at the 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA’13) will be held in Miami, Florida, USA, December 4 – December 7, 2013 [Preprint] [IPython notebook]
The entire code is made available as open source and you may refer to the IPython notebook linked above.
Thanks for interest!
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I would like to bump this up in sight again. I was searching for ways to determine which devices are on a single ct and separate them from each other. After reading some papers and interesting webpages, I came across the nilmtk framework. I think it has very high potential.
I am thinking of building an exporter/importer for emoncms to nilmtk. I already did some basic tests with the export to csv function and importing that data into pandas, but I will need to make some specific conversions in order for the framework to work with the dataset. If anybody else is interested in joining the research/testing, I might be uploading it to github.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I am also very interested in trying this...
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
Definitely looking into this when I have some time.
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I am interested too.
I am actually testing for work purpose a commercial nilm device that I cannot name and would love to have OS win...
Re: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring - one sensor, appliance level detail
I've stumbled across this before but have never looked deeper than their webpage: http://www.smappee.com/uk/