While upgrading emoncms.org this morning, I noticed several crashed feed tables that are driving up the load as mysql attempts to repair them. Im currently working on fixing them and have stopped apache so that the repairs can complete.
Sorry for the outage
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Still working on it
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Were back up, loads seem good around 0.58 right now.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Server is down again, there's been a long running issue with disk speeds and bigv (bytemark) the hosting company are moving the disk to another storage pool, they suggested it would be a few minutes but its been almost an hour so far, will update soon hopefully.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Is it possible that the problems with emoncms.org can affect stand-alone emoncms servers (where data is also posted to emoncms.org)?
My emoncms has been performing poorly since about 6.30pm tonight, with feeds not being updated regularly - sometimes 1-2 minutes between datapoints. At about 8.40pm, I deleted out the api key from my emoncms (to stop remote sending), and immediately the feeds began updating every 10 seconds as usual. See screen shot below.
Is it coincidental, or could it be something to do with the emoncms.org server?
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Still waiting for the transfer to complete and the server to return to normal, moving the bigv virtual discs are done live with the system still running (administered by bigv), I now have ssh access to the server but it must still be transferring as bringing apache up brings the server to a grinding halt (high load)
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Hello Paul, yes looks like the raspberrypi_run.php script is waiting for a reply from emoncms.org but as it takes such a long time its either timing out or getting a reply many minutes after the request. removing the apikey will allow it to continue logging locally without waiting for the remote emoncms.
I wonder if it would be possible to force the raspberrypi_run.php script to timeout much faster.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
It's not a problem for me (now I know what has caused it), and it's very rare that you have issues with emoncms.org
But I thought that I'd raise it in case other members were experiencing similar problems.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
I think emoncms.org is back up again as normal, loads still a bit high but reducing, tomorrow I hope to establish whether disk write speeds have actually improved, now that its on a new storage pool.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
My emoncms feeds are still down. They came back on for a few minutes at about 7pm yesterday but have now been down for 24 hours plus the time they where off earlier yesterday.
My local server on a Raspberry is working.
Is there anything I can do to kickstart it back into life?
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Go to your RaspberryPi page, copy your API key to your clipboard, and then delete it from your RaspberryPi page & save.
Then re-add (Ctrl-V) your API key & save again.
I think you will find that it will now authenticate and update OK.
Re: emoncms.org [back up]
Thanks Paul, that did the trick.