emontx shield sketch

i am running the sketch"emontxshield_CT1234" based on my emontx shield. since i have only one CT therefore i set all other ct 2,3,4=0, but it takes so long to upload the code and there always indicate "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" i dont understand what it means... when i try to test, there is nothing shown up in the serial monitor so i am guessing the code is not burned to arduino successfully. 

Robert Wall's picture

Re: emontx shield sketch

That error means the sketch has not loaded. It is not a very helpful message, and there can be any number of causes.

Am I right to think that it has worked before and now it does not? If it has worked before and you have not changed anything in your computer, make sure you have plugged everything together correctly, the connectors are clean and that all the leads are good and there are no broken wires.

Changing those lines in the sketch could not cause the problem.

threldor's picture

Re: emontx shield sketch

make sure you have selected the correct board type in the arduino software. duemilanova  with atmega328 i think

if you have the 168 selected and it is the 328 or vice versa you will get this error

calypso_rae's picture

Re: emontx shield sketch

FWIW, I have always set Board->Selection to "Arduino Uno".  This setting appears to work for genuine R3 Uno boards and also for emonTx units with Atmega 368 processors purchased from the OEM Shop.

chunyang's picture

Re: emontx shield sketch

yes i always check the arduino is connected with the correct serial port and model. i dont think is that kind of problem.

calypso_rae's picture

Re: emontx shield sketch

If you can get a simple example sketch to work such as "blink.ino", then you'll know that this setting is correct for your hardware.

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