Can I plugin the + EmonTX Shield into the NanodeRF SMT 868Mhz (no you can't)


I was wondering if the NanodeRF as sold in the shop ( Ethernet + 868Mhz) is physically capable of having the EmonTX shield without a RF module plugged in on top.

I'm aware that "if it fits" and no I/O lines are conflicting I need to rework the sketsches to make it work but from my programming background I don't see a big problem in that.
Just currious if these two components stack up together and could work.

Or the only way to connect them is using a full EmonTX V2 and use RF to connect the two or use a I2C wire between the two Atmels. 

Thanks in advance for the input.


Wxll's picture

Re: Can I plugin the + EmonTX Shield into the NanodeRF SMT 868Mhz (no you can't)

Looks like you can't:

Found this in another thread:

That's to bad as it would be nice in case you don't need to radio around...

My Guess is Arduino is all 5V and the other boards are JeeNode based which is all 3V3



Robert Wall's picture

Re: Can I plugin the + EmonTX Shield into the NanodeRF SMT 868Mhz (no you can't)

I think you should be able to piggy-back the shield onto a Nanode, but there's a conflict with CT4 as the Nanode uses AIO4 for the I2C bus. If you're not using that, it's going to be worth investigating further.

But you might not be able to get much more code into it as from memory (mine!) the nanode is close to the limit of available memory (the processors).

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