Emoncms build from scratch problem


I created a new raspberry pi system from their new bootloader and followed the instructions at http://www.emoncms.org/site/docs/raspberrypibuild to build a new system.

When I try to login for the first time I get an unkown user error. When I go to the emoncms/admin page I get a Notice: Undefined variable: result in /var/www/emoncms/Modules/admin/admin_controller.php on line 59 error.

Could anyone tell me where to start with this please?



TrystanLea's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

Hello Penny, I need to update the documentation on emoncms.org to take into account the recent update to timestore, the issue may well be related to that. I will take a look

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

Ah, the login issue may be because of an error in the documentation asking to login with raspi username. It should instead say register a user, can you try that? I will update the documentation.

I still need to integrate the timestore installation documentation to the emocnms.org raspberrypibuild page but you may want to follow the steps on the readme page here in the meantime: https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms



Duchess's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

Thanks Trystan, but after following the instructions on the linked page, I am unable to get Timestore to start (no error reported) and so am unable to get an adminkey.


Duchess's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

By creating a user (rather than trying to log in) I can now get into the emoncms software.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

What does

sudo /etc/init.d/timestore status


Duchess's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

It returns Timestore is not running

Duchess's picture

Re: Emoncms build from scratch problem

Issuing sudo /etc/init.d/timestore start returns Starting timestore

then issuing sudo /etc/init.d/timestore status 15 seconds later returns Timestore is not running


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