Graph time scale in show as UTC

The time scale in the graphs is shown as utc. So feed values are 3 hours late. Linux server has time set to utc+3. If I look at the time values from database feed tables they are show correctly in utc + 3 format. Could this be a linux configuration issue or is the time zone taken into account in the graph drawing functions somehow. I have openenergymonitor-emoncms2-01cd855 build in use.

Other thing I found was that the Vis/bargraph.php has also some issue with the bar width setting, since bars are overlaping each others. I fixed this by changing barWidth: 3600*18*1000, to barWidth: 3600*18*10, from line 99, but I guess there should be some scaling to be added.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Graph time scale in show as UTC

Yes thats right its UTC, this is one of those long things that I've been wanting to fix for a while but have not got round to yet. I dont get your bars overlapping error, I thought I had set it so there is a small gap between each bar. With the setting you propose they should look like a small sliver 11 minuits wide as it where instead of 18 hours wide leaving a 3 hour gap on each side... can you shed any more light on this?

anza's picture

Re: Graph time scale in show as UTC

That time zone support would certainly be a nice feature. I already made an easy hack for the plothover :)

Now I understand the bar graph scaling. That 11 min wide bars make sense, since I have my own input modules which take samples every 15 minutes. I'm using the system for a slightly different purpose. I use it to monitor water consumption.


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