Stray nodes on emoncms input list

Today data logging (emontx->Raspberry) stopped for few hours and then resumed by itself without intervention.

Cheching on the input list I find signals from nodes that does not exist in my network. I believe they are caused by noises or something similiar. This happens every few days and I have to go to delete input manually. 

Is there any way to FILTER nodes that are supposed to communicate with emoncms?





TrystanLea's picture

Re: Stray nodes on emoncms input list

Hello Scarlaz, there's no way at the moment, a couple of people have experienced this but its been hard to debug. The JeeLib library has packet error checking that is applied before the packet is accepted as a valid packet so the node must be getting past this stage, does it always create the same number of inputs and nodeid?

Scarlaz's picture

Re: Stray nodes on emoncms input list


When that malfunction occurs, node ID are totally random (one time I had 10 more "stray" nodes on log).
The number of inputs associated with bad nodes sometimes resemble actual data from my emontx, sometimes not.
In any case, the number of signals on "bad" nodes is always equal or smaller than my actual signals from emontx.
I believe is hard to debug this behavior.
Last time it happened when nobody was at home and and only WIFI was ON.
Ah... one thing. During preparation of my raspberrypi I noticed that rfm12 board led stopped working every 1-2 minutes without reason... I solved that moving my raspi away from my wireless router... (before it was on the same table).
Now my logging equipment is on the ground floor while wifi router is on first floor. should be far enough




lobolobo's picture

Re: Stray nodes on emoncms input list

Identical problem here :-(

boelle's picture

Re: Stray nodes on emoncms input list

have also seen this.... i just delete them.. there is no harm to it as it will not be logged

lobolobo's picture

Re: Stray nodes on emoncms input list

Probably will reappear. At least that happens to me.

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