I need to change the rasberry pi listening port from 80 to (say) "143".
I change \etc\apache2\sites-available\default (set <VirtualHost *:143>)
I change \etc\apache2\ports.conf (set NameVirtualHost *:143 and Listen 143)
restart apache...
You would guess it is ok... but is is not: connection to port 143 of raspberry lead to no http response (even if a port scan on the raspberry shows that the port is open)
If you change the port to 144 all is OK..........
Could it depend on the fact that "143" is a "known port"(IMAP)?
(same behavior with other ports: 110not ok, 111ok etc...)
There are 2 reason I have for insisting on using port 143 instead of 144:
1: my router can do port forwarding to the "same" port but not to different port number
2: At my office I have outbound port filtering and I need to use "well know" ports to connect to external devices
Any idea of the reason of this behavior?
Re: Raspberry: cannot map emoncms to "well known" ports
ah.. one IMPORTANT note: with a non-standard ports inputs on emoncms are not updated!!
...reverting to port 80 all is working again....