What is the command in 'fill' for Raw data graph in Emoncms?

Hi, Emoncms is great! have been a COSM user for a couple of years, but just started using Emoncms and it is much better!  However being a novice haven't quite worked out all the codes, so on the Rawdata graph, I want the genererator running - bottom graph (which only is a '1' or '0') to 'fill' beneth the line (so that it is easier to see when it is a one over time.  Have tried several inputs in the >options >fill box but to no avail.  What do I need to do to achieve this?



Many Thanks





Jérôme's picture

Re: What is the command in 'fill' for Raw data graph in Emoncms?

I lbelieve if you enter "1", you get what you want. Any other value, like "10", "True" or "yes, please" is interpreted as 0, which means "do not fill". Did you try that ? Is this not what you're after ?

bakerA01's picture

Re: What is the command in 'fill' for Raw data graph in Emoncms?

Brill!  worked like a dream, - Had tried 'Yes',  'Yellow', but not 1 - obvious when you think about it :-)

Many Thanks



Jérôme's picture

Re: What is the command in 'fill' for Raw data graph in Emoncms?

It should be changed into a True/False dropdown.

If anyone feels like looking into this...

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