Not all Inputs/feeds are transfered from local emoncms to

I have a setup where i am collecting data over ethernet from my solar inverter and posting these to my loacl emoncms on RPi. I do this in a bash script by a curl command like:
curl " http://<ip-adreess-of loac emoncms>/.../port?json{inv-gen:$bash-variable&api.........."

I also have inputs fra my RFM12pi collecting data from som Funky sensors in the house.

When I open inputs/feeds in the inputs/feeds from the RFM12pi is shown. The inputs/feeds that originate from my bash script is not show.

is there a place here I can set these bash script originating inputs to replicate from my local emoncms to

Jérôme's picture

Re: Not all Inputs/feeds are transfered from local emoncms to

Currently, the Pi (optionally) sends data to a remote server when received through the RF.

That is, there is a module that manages the RF, which both

- adds data directly to local emoncms (php functions -> DB access) and

- sends it to the remote server (http GET)

When sending data to the local server the way you do (http request), you walk around that module.

The simplest you could do, I think, is to duplicate each line in your bash script to send your samples to both local and remote emoncms at once.

jensk's picture

Re: Not all Inputs/feeds are transfered from local emoncms to

Ohhh so now i understand why.

I thought that it was the local emoncms that forwarded inputs to As I will make more and more inputs that doesn't come from the RFM12pi i would be very interested in such a forwarding feature of the local emoncms. Is that a planned feature?

Jérôme's picture

Re: Not all Inputs/feeds are transfered from local emoncms to

To my knowledge, it is not. It would be feasible, I guess.

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