emonlcd shows around 50% of actual pv generation

I have a small problem and it is getting very irritating. 

I have 2 CT sensors that measure pv generation and voltage usage. I have connected it to the grid (type 1 setup, see http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/applications/solarpv) Now the problem that accures is that it is about correct untill 100W, when it goes above 100W the measurements that are shown on the emonlcd are 50% off...that means the emonlcd shows 50% less on Watt generation then it should.

For example the emonlcd gives a reading of 250W, but on the solar pv inverters it says around 500W.


I have checked the code but i cannot find ANY faulty things. I need fresh eyes on the code...can anyone help me..


many thanks. 

Robert Wall's picture

Re: emonlcd shows around 50% of actual pv generation

I have not looked at your code yet, but I doubt there is a non-linearity in the code. It is more likely to be a hardware and construction issue. What values do you see on the serial output from your emonTx? If they are the same as the GLCD, you need to look there. Are you using the 100 A c.t? (I see you didn't calibrate your emonTx). What values do you see for loads into the 3 - 5 kW region?

The easy way to check the GLCD is write a new sketch for your emonTx that completely ignores the inputs and simply writes a series of values to the output struct.

Comment out getting the currents and battery voltage, then add in loop( ) just above "if (settled)" something like:

emontx.power1 += 10;
emontx.power2 += 10;
emontx.battery += 10;

Then you should see the GLCD powers increase in steps of 10 W, and the battery voltage in steps of 10 mV, every 5 seconds. If they do that, the problem isn't with the nanode or the GLCD.

If that is OK, check the voltages at the c.t. burden resistors (18 Ohms). The voltage each end should be 1.65 V d.c. If not, check that you have pairs of 470 k resistors and the decoupling capacitors (10 uF) are the correct way round.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: emonlcd shows around 50% of actual pv generation

I have not looked at your code yet, but I doubt there is a non-linearity in the code.

I have now looked at your code, and I cannot see any a non-linearity in the code, it all looks absolutely standard. So I think it is a hardware / assembly problem in the emonTx.

nawikre's picture

Re: emonlcd shows around 50% of actual pv generation

thanks for your comment.....i will look at this.. and let you know.


many thanks

Series530's picture

Re: emonlcd shows around 50% of actual pv generation

Check the current clamps - you need to make sure that there is no air gap between the surfaces of the jaws. That air gap can cause havoc.



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