The australian project at smartenergygroups.com is using the Honeywell CSLT B100 Current Sensor http://sensing.honeywell.com/index.cfm/ci_id/140409/la_id/1/document/1/re_id/0 in their project.
Nevertheless it's tiny compared to the Efergy solution and that might be required in some cases.
Perhapse you can even refer to the smartenerygrgoups on your site.
DISCLAIMER. I'm from NZ and not AUS
Re: Current Transformer CSLT B100 from Honeywell
Re: Current Transformer CSLT B100 from Honeywell
The Honeywell sensor isn't a current transformer, it's actually a Hall-effect transducer with a toroidal iron core around it. So it doesn't have a number of turns, and doesn't need a burden resistor.
Re: Current Transformer CSLT B100 from Honeywell
Aha, thats interesting, thanks for clarifying.