what is the best firmware to upload to a nanode 5 with an rfm12b board attached to upload the data wirelessly taken from an emontx (one ct -sensor on monitoring single phase power) to emoncms on a raspberry pi. I've tried nanoderf_multinode but it doesn't seem to upload to emoncms, but it does seem to recieve the packets sent by the emontx.
which firmware to use Nanode5+rfm12b -Resolved
Submitted by Guest on Tue, 27/11/2012 - 07:03»
Re: which firmware to use Nanode5+rfm12b -Resolved
Full instructions for using Nanode RF with RFM12B can be found here: http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/emonbase/nanode5. Specifically see the instructions on the Nanode wiki http://wiki.london.hackspace.org.uk/view/Project:Nanode/Applications#RFM12_Wireless_Module
Once the hardware modifications have been compleated the Nanode5 with RFM12B should be able to run the standarfd NandoeRF examples: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/NanodeRF
Best of luck,
Re: which firmware to use Nanode5+rfm12b -Resolved
Thanks glyn! I got it working.