I have been think of add some extra functionality to the Emoncms web site dashboard that i have been using, I'm sure it's been done, but i can't find the info.
Q. is there an option to have a switch/button for the web that can send a signal back to the emonbase. I wish to add some relays so that a can turn them on/off over the net.
Thanks Nigel
Re: soft switch/button for the emoncms on the web
This hasnt been dont yet, but would be really great! I was looking at these the other day, could be really nice: http://papermashup.com/jquery-fancy-switch/
Re: soft switch/button for the emoncms on the web
looks good, it opens up lots of options, like heating controls etc..
Re: soft switch/button for the emoncms on the web
But will it not work only if you have a static IP address - unless you figure out a way for emoncms to keep the lastest that input was received from? Security could be an issue and would need very careful thought.