As well as uploading to my own instance of emoncms, I have also started to upload data to In my mind it plays a slightly different role to emoncms, allowing you to make comparisons with other systems, and also merge with local weather data. It does have a few quirks as a result of it being based in Australia, but these are minor. If anyone else is using it, I have created a team (openenergymonitor) for users of components or ideas from this site.
Hello Lloyd.
Can you tell me what I need to change in emonbase file to send data to pvuotput.
Thank you.
I don't use emonbase to send to pvoutput (or my emoncms installation). I had real problems with the reliability of http requests from emonbase, so instead I use my emonbase in server mode, and get another (linux) system to perform http get requests against it, which it then forwards on to emoncms and pvoutput.
I have a script running on the linux system that polls emonbase for data every 10 seconds. It then sends this to emonbase using curl, and every 5 minutes it sends a different sequence to For pvoutput, the linux system executes this command:
curl -m30 -d "d=20121202" -d "t=14:07" -d "v2=612" -d "v4=278" -d "v6=235." -H "X-Pvoutput-Apikey:214xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx8" -H "X-Pvoutput-SystemId:1xxx2"
where d is date, t time, v2 generating, v4 consuming and v6 voltage. Take a look here:
Hope this helps
Thank you for your courtesy, Lloyd,
but I was not able to take advantage of your information, I am a newbie in this field.
No one has used emonbase to do this?
Thank you.
Hi Lloyd,
I am looking at setting up an Open Energy Monitoring system to monitor my Solar generation, Mains consumption, Solar export, Voltage, and temperature, and would like to be able to upload the data to my existing account on pvoutput. At present I am running the pvoutput integration service to upload data from my enasolar inverter, but that requires me to have a windows PC running at least 12 hours a day, so I am looking for a low power solution, and like the look of the Open Energy Monitoring system using a raspberry pi unit. I have no experience with raspberry or linux for that matter, but am otherwise quite computer literate ( I even know a bit of DOS - showing my age there!). I have a 3phase supply, with the inverter feeding back into the grid on 1 of the phases only. I was looking at getting the following from Emon:
1 x emon tx shield
1 x raspberry pi with wifi module
4 x CT's
1 x temp / humidity sensor
1 x 9V AC/AC power supply
1 x FTDI programming cable
Will this work? I Would appreciate any info you could provide that may help me.
The parts you have listed will work if you have an arduino to plug the shield into but I'm not sure about the 3 phase supply . I used the non shield version with three ct's to do what you want to do on a single phase supply.
With regards to uploading 5 minute averages to, I don't think anybody has done this from emoncms yet or at least nobody has made public how to do it. The nearest I could get to this is to post 5 minute spot values (not averages) to pv output using the scripts In this thread Using the spot values gives good looking graphs in pvoutput but the daily totals are different to emoncms by about .2 to .6 KWhd IIRC.
Thanks ngbod - I'm new to this so did not realise I would need an arduino to plug the shield into. As I am on 3 phases I will probably be better off going with 2 x emon tx's instead. And thanks for that link. I will go through that as well. Regards, Andrew
MartinR's emonTx PLL monitor records the energy continuously and then sends the result as an average power over the preceding 5 s every 5 seconds. With due attention to the size of the accumulators, there's no reason why that can't be done every 5 minutes (or whatever interval you choose!). There's a full write-up of this project in the pipe-line.
MartinR has also stacked 3 emonTx's for 3 phases.