Detailed heating (radiator) monitoring


I'm interested in a detailed heating monitoring solution that can monitor individual radiators and will show me how energy is distributed in the house.

We are connected to a district heating system and I'm currently monitoring the meter (L&G 2WR5) through IR (yes it will drain the battery). This shows me consumption by the minute for the house as a whole.

So what I'm looking for can be a clip-on flow meter (does that even exist?) or something I glue to the radiators that tell me how much it was turned on. Because of different radiator sizes, the position of the knob doesn't help here. 

Anyone have any experience with this?


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Re: Detailed heating (radiator) monitoring

I monitor my heating with 1wire DS18B20 sensors which I mounted on the pipes. They are really cheap. I then use a 1wire Host USB Adapater on a RPI as the GPIO variant is to weak for more than 12 such sensors. 

I have this stuff ordered from sheepwalk electronics:

- USB Adapter works great on windows and RPI's

- DS18B20 Temp sensors: if you want to solder everything your own like me or finished products like this:

You can use their hubs to create a big network. Just make sure that you use a 5V power source for longer distances. The max wire length is 300m in my installation where I have routed a network cable to my external shed  :-) 

Of course you can also use an EMonTH with an external DS18B20 connected if you want to do it via radio and do not want to use wires. It's of course a little bit more expensive

You can see me heating here:  It's a simple dashboard just showing the most important stuff. To read out the 1wire Temp sensors you can use node-red for example. It already has a node which connects to the OWFS server on the RPI. I do it like this in my house. I have 3 RPI's with each a own 1wire USB Host. I have 4 levels in my house so it's easier to have floor networks instead to route everything through the building.

I'm sure others will come up with other solutions. I just went the 1wire way because it has a lot of other options like PIRs, Humidity, Door and Window contacts which you can implement and you just need 1 small cable for that. In fact all the sensor should be on the same single wire but in my case that was not possible so I just use a RPI per floor :-)

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