RESOLVED: 'WDTO_8S' was not declared in this scope


New to the openenergymonitor and blown away by the capability of the equipment  and software.

I have built an emTX, an emGLCD and an OKG.

All the hardware is functioning and most of the example software. The only issue I have is with OKG_Wiz5200_RFM12B_emoncms.ino which throws up WDTO_8S was not declared in this scope.

If I comment out the WDT it compiles OK and seems to work.

Can anyone advise why I get the error?

2 minutes after posting I looked at the other OKG example which compiled OK.

This line was missing in the first file:-

#include <avr/wdt.h>



RobertK's picture

Re: RESOLVED: 'WDTO_8S' was not declared in this scope

I too have got a Wiznet and it needs the watchdog reset moving out of the main loop and putting into the two conditional sections that handle the response from the server. This is so that if there isn't a response (either to the data or the time query) the watchdog will time out and the base will reset and try again. With the reset in the main loop, mine failed and stopped sending if my router reconnected (for reasons best known to itself).

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: RESOLVED: 'WDTO_8S' was not declared in this scope

Thanks for noticing that, fix has been pushed to github.


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