local data logging - no data recorded

Hello World,

today I tried to set up a emonPi and I tried to log the Temperature to the local SD-Card. Therefore I've followed the instruction here: https://openenergymonitor.org/emon/modules/emonpi#locallog

My problem ist, that I can not export any data and in the diagram no data ist displayed. The table below the diagram doesn't show recorded infomation too. Only


The variable I'd like to log is updated every 5 sec and https://emoncms.org is receiving data and saving that.

Thanks for getting help,


TrystanLea's picture

Re: local data logging - no data recorded

Hello Matthias. My guess is that this is an issue with the feedwriter process not running, If your feeds are showing a recent updated status but there's no data appearing to be written it could be that. If you click on the refresh feed size button on the feeds page what feed size are you seeing?

Could you also check if the time is correct on the emonpi, if you navigate to the emonhub config module where you set the emonhub.conf settings next to that there are two tabs for emonhub log and emoncms log, what is the time of the messages being logged there?

VWE's picture

Re: local data logging - no data recorded

Hello Trystan. Thank's a lot for helping!

After refreshing feed the table shows the following:



excerpt of emoncms.log:

2016-3-30 08:46:56 MQTT INFO Received mqtt message: emonhub/rx/5/values 0,0,0,241.7,21.5,0,0,0,0,0,0
2016-3-30 08:46:56 FEED WARN Feed model: Requested feed does not exist feedid=22
2016-3-30 08:46:56 MQTT INFO Received mqtt message: emonhub/rx/5/rssi 0
2016-3-30 08:46:59 MQTT INFO Received mqtt message: emonhub/rx/13/values 1564,802,3,274,246.06,22.8,0,0,0,0,0,0
2016-3-30 08:46:59 FEED WARN Feed model: Requested feed does not exist feedid=23
2016-3-30 08:47:00 MQTT INFO Received mqtt message: emonhub/rx/13/rssi -79

Hmmm this line might be interessting: 2016-3-30 08:46:56 FEED WARN Feed model: Requested feed does not exist feedid=22

Why is my emonpi looking for a feed with id 22? The only feed I have is the one display in the table and has the Id 30. Or not...? I'm confused.

VWE's picture

Re: local data logging - no data recorded

Hello Trystan,

I've found the Problem wuhuu! :-)

The IP Adress of my emonpi has changed. That's why it couldn't find itself... I've changed the IP-Adress to "localhost".

    Type = EmonHubEmoncmsHTTPInterfacer
        pubchannels = ToRFM12,
        subchannels = ToEmonCMS,
        url = http://localhost/emoncms/

Thank you once again for supporting!


TrystanLea's picture

Re: local data logging - no data recorded

Great good to hear Matthias. You should however, be able to use the MQTT interface to post to the nodes module. That should work out of the box, with no need to setup emoncms_local. Are you running a standard emonpi setup? If you're happy with it, the approach you have configured is fine too.

VWE's picture

Re: local data logging - no data recorded

Wow I checked what can be done by using MQTT and I going to try that. Yes I've configured my emonpi as described here: https://openenergymonitor.org/emon/modules/emonpi I've done nothing special yet...

But first I try to set up an internal emoncms-server to use it additional to emoncms.org. So many thing to check out^^

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