Local emonhub and emoncms on a pi which has been working fine for a few weeks.
I have been experimenting with redis and adding some json uploads from another system. This has meant adding and deleting feeds several times.
I have 3 inputs that I cannot delete. They say "ERROR" under process list on the input screen. When I try and delete them they instantly reappear on the gui.
If I click the spanner icon to go into the process list setup screen, the feeds within the process say "feedid 136 does not exists or was deleted". When I try and delete the processes and press "Save" then a popup appears saying "could not save process list, undefined"
All my main feeds have also stopped updating.
Any ideas how to delete these extra feeds?
Re: cannot delete input or feed - keeps reappearing
Re: cannot delete input or feed - keeps reappearing
Can you try flushing Redis;
Re: cannot delete input or feed - keeps reappearing
Thank you for replying Paul. I get the following message.
pi@emoncms:~ $ redis-cli flushall
(error) MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about the error.
pi@emoncms:~ $
Re: cannot delete input or feed - keeps reappearing
I found the redis log which had entries like this
After googling for that I set the following switch in sysctl.conf
Now the feeds seem to be working again. The redis log now says
I am worried that there is still a problem. Should I have set that overcommit setting?