Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?


just found out about Emoncms and have some questions.
I see people write the data from the sensors to the database via http requests.
Is there no other way? I did websites and http requests is something you try to avoid as
much as possible.

Also i wonder what made the desicion to choose MySQL and not some NoSQL database?

I use MQTT and i see the way here is to use MQTTwarn and thats not really efficient.
My MQTT broker of choice is HiveMQ: http://www.hivemq.com
There is a nice article how the database should be done.
The missing piece between MQTT and a SQL: http://www.hivemq.com/blog/mqtt-sql-database
Check there blog - there are some really good articles.

stuart's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

The SQL database isn't the only storage mechanism (indeed relational databases for this sort of data are usually a poor choice) - look at the other storage options of OEM, such as phpfina


MrGlasspoole's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

Ok, i did wonder because as you said relational DBs are bad for allot of sensor data.
I did just a quick read here: https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms/blob/master/docs/LinuxInstall.md
On the dependencies (but did not scroll)  and saw mysql. Now i also see Redis...
So where is the data stored?

Is there another way to feed the data into the DB beside making a HTTP request everytime something comes in?

ChrisValentine's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

What do you have against HTTP requests? Even with a number of data contributors you're not going to swamp a moderm webserver.

MrGlasspoole's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

Why use a webserver if you could write directly to the database?
Modern hardware is not an excuse for bad practice ;-p
I have the opinion that everything needs to be done efficient as possible.

Don't get me wrong. Emoncms looks great and i know it is a lot of work to build something like that.
I just want to understand why things are done this way.

This is a big diversion:
MQTTbroker -> MQTTwarn -> Webserver -> DB

Ok just saw "MQTT changes 6th Feb": https://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/12104
When i did google MQTT and Emoncms there was not much beside MQTTwarn.

But looks like just now somebody has the "Gotchas and Limitations" problem:

There is no problem connecting to a database and feeding it from another location/app...
But HiveMQ is Java and i know nothing about Java. If i would i could write a plugin.

ChrisValentine's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

Yes, good point, you could indeed send directly to mySQL from the emon Pi.

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

MrGlasspoole's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

Thanks Glyn, but that was not the question.

Peter Galbavy's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

Most proprietary database protocols - including MySQL - are heavier and more complex and tend to require specific layered APIs. HTTP and all the associated technologies are (usually) much lighter weight in terms of both sessions set-up and tear-down and implementation.

HTTP et al. are also far far far easier to debug on the wire.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

I wrote a fair bit of documentation on the evolution of storing timeseries data in emoncms here which might be of interest https://github.com/openenergymonitor/documentation/tree/master/BuildingB...

The standard way of using MQTT with emoncms that we use is Mosquitto as the broker and then currently a php script with the Mosquitto-MQTT client (https://github.com/mgdm/Mosquitto-PHP)
that subscribes to the emon/emontx/power1 type topics. I think thats almost as direct as you can make it apart from cutting out emoncms features like the input and input processing layer.

Where did you read about MQTTwarn?


MrGlasspoole's picture

Re: Why MySQL and HTTP-Requests?

I can't believe it. After three days almost no sleep I did write my first Topic+Payload to MySQL directly from the Broker :-)

The plugin guide is well documented: http://www.hivemq.com/docs/plugins/latest/
I did take a look at the database example plugin (just found it even though I've used HiveMQ for 3-4 years) and saw that there is not much code in there: https://github.com/hivemq/hivemq-database-example-plugin
I never heard of Apache Maven before or did build jar files. So I gave it a try and did install Maven and IntelliJ IDEA.
I bet it would take an hour for a Java person to do the whole plugin to Redis.
But hey my head is already full - so it doesn't matter if there now needs to be also a minimum Java to get this up and running *lol

@TrystanLea, thanks i will check out your link.
3-4 years back i started with Mosquitto and also tried phpMQTT but then i found HiveMQ and it worked out of the box - especially WebSockets. When WebSockets came out it was a pain to get running before i used HiveMQ.
I was able to show a button push on an ATMega or switch a light from the browser right away.
I never logged data to a DB - just control things like my TV, Sat-Receiver with JavaScript over IR or control ZoomPlayer from any other PC, phone, tablet with MQTT.

I just want a nice graphical view of the data from a DB but building everything from scratch takes days, months, years. I also came across Node-Red and openHAB (that GUI is ugly *lol) and don't know if i like to have something running that is a single point of failure. I believe things should talk to each other without having apps running between them telling them: "if this then do that".
Ok there is the broker in between with MQTT - but thats the only thing and can be backed up with a little cluster.
Sure for people who buy commercial stuff they need something that translates all the protocols from the companies.

MQTTwarn example: https://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/3634
Yes everything Google gave me was outdated and involved MQTTwarn, openHAB or Node-Red to translate to JSON.

Somebody did read the "Gotchas and Limitations" if subscribing via a client to write to the database?

I have another question. What is the purpose of posting MQTT from emonHub: https://github.com/emoncms/emoncms/blob/stable/docs/RaspberryPi/MQTT.md#...

Why should my graphical display of data do postings?

And just took a look what's happening in "input/view".
Oh my - no WebSockets to stream. Everytime a request...
I did not build a dashboard yet. Is that also the case there with life data?
HEYYYY we have Websockets for that. They are not new anymore ;-p

Regards from Germany from the guy who scrutinizes everything :-)

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