Using EmonLib.h library

I am using 100A non invasive current sensor with arduino mega, but it's not clear in the library where I need to specify the analog pin ?


This part of the code:

emon1.current(1, 111.1); 



Robert Wall's picture

Re: Using EmonLib.h library

Look at the comments in the demonstration sketches (software Github), or at the code itself (emonlib.cpp).

FutureEngineer's picture

Re: Using EmonLib.h library

I connected the sensor, and I used the library and it was displaying around 1.23 A at Arduino serial monitor and when I compared this value with a value measured using a clamp meter, it was measuring 0.4 A RMS. 

Why I am getting different values ?  

FutureEngineer's picture

Re: Using EmonLib.h library

Please check attached the clamped meter for the post above. 

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Using EmonLib.h library

Look down the FAQs. It's "noise" that you're looking for.

(You're an engineering student, I'm trying to point you in the direction so that you learn how to find out these answers for yourself. When I learned my engineering, the Internet didn't exist. I did it the hard way, from text books.)

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