Copy Dashboard / Input Processing / feeds to New Node or account?

Folks -

I have a very complicated bunch of input processing that took hours and hours to devise, aggregating to some nice feeds and a bunch of beaut dashboards that i love.

I want to replicate the setup for a number of different sites.

I'm self hosting emoncms on linux.

What's the quickest way to 'replicate' the setup for a new site?

I'm guessing there are probably two ways:-

1. Allocate a new node to the new site, and run some funky script to replicate processing, feeds, dash's from my original node to my new one.

2. Create an entirely new user and somehow copy the setup across to the new user.

Has anyone tackled the same problem before? Any suggestions?



TrystanLea's picture

Re: Copy Dashboard / Input Processing / feeds to New Node or account?

Yes this is quite a complicated thing to do as the feeds on each account will need to have different feedid's and then you need to create the input processes with these feed id's so there's no easy way to copy the input process configuration directly.

Dashboards share the same difficulty, the work on the apps module creating standard dashboards was one attempt to get around this issue, I also explored scanning for set feed names rather than configuration by feed id's but it doesnt do what your looking for.

Beire's picture

Re: Copy Dashboard / Input Processing / feeds to New Node or account?

I'm on the same boat here.
A sort of templates for input processes and dashboards/visualisations would be tremendously easy.

dockarl's picture

Re: Copy Dashboard / Input Processing / feeds to New Node or account?

Hey thanks Trystan and Beire - I guess I'd like to have a crack at coming up with something but I don't yet have a good grasp of what is stored in SQL and what is stored in Flat files, and how they a) work and b) work together. I guess I'll hang ten and hope this becomes clearer in the future.

@Trystan, FYI we're using your 'invention' of EMONCMS in probably a completely unique way - SCADA for an internet link into a very very remote Desert Aboriginal community in Central Australia - thanks for coming up with this it's saved us heaps of brain cycles - you'd be interested.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Copy Dashboard / Input Processing / feeds to New Node or account?

@dockari, wow! that's really interesting to hear, very glad it has been helpful

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