Issue Running myelectric app - [SOLVED]

I'm trying to get emoncms setup with the myelectric app. I have cloned into /Modules and ran the database update from the admin page. However, when I try to go to the myelectric tab, nothing shows up. Inspecting further, I get a 406 error.

Basically, when I go to <myserver>/Modules/app/myelectric/myelectric.html?_=1449369001108 I get "URI not acceptable. No controller 'Modules'. (app/myelectric)" in the resulting webpage. If I go to I see the expected content that should be loaded.

Am I missing something? Is there another installation step? From looking at the code, I don't see any way that a URL with /Modules in it will work, but I must be missing something.

bradjc's picture

Re: Issue Running myelectric app - [SOLVED]

After posting it occured to me that maybe the webserver is expected to direct traffic differently if /Modules is in the URL. I happen to be using nginx and added

Location /Modules { }

to the nginx conf so that nginx didn't rewrite the URL to index.php. Working now.

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