v9 - Edit Daily visualization errors

Just noticed an issue with the 'Edit Daily' visualization.
I have a error spike on 30th September which I wanted to edit, so opened up the Edit Daily vis, and selected the bar showing the error;

If I edit the new value to 5.0 & save, the 30th Sept bar still remains at 245, whilst todays (26th Nov) has been edited to 5.0 despite not being selected!!

The clue may be in the @ time = 1443609756 which equates to 30/9/2015 10.42am
The date is correct, however the 10.42am is the current time now.
If I reload the vis again, and reselect the 30th Sept I see now that @ time = 1443610513 which equates to 30/9/2015 10.55am (current time now), it's somehow picking up the current time.

So it appears that the only value that can currently be edited in this vis is the current day value.



Beire's picture

Re: v9 - Edit Daily visualization errors

Yes, I can confirm this behaviour.
I extracted the data to see the time in Unix format and then inserted the time manually.
Then it works.

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