I have improved the power_to_kwh command line tool that creates accumulating kWh feeds from existing power feeds so that it now has a small wizard that guides you through the process of selecting the existing power feed, option to change the emoncms install location and create a new kwh feed or overwrite an existing one.
The steps for using the tool on an emonpi or emonbase is:
1) SSH into the emonpi/emonbase
ssh pi@PI-IP-ADDRESS (default password: raspberry)
2) Set the pi in write mode and download the usefulscripts repository:
git clone http://github.com/emoncms/usefulscripts.git
3) Run the power_to_kwh processor wizard:
sudo php usefulscripts/process/power_to_kwh.php
The following is an example output of running the script
Power to kWh feed processor
Is your setup a standard emonpi or emonbase? (Y/N): y
Please enter feedid of the power feed you wish to use to generate the accumulating kWh feed: 1
Power feed selected: solar Engine: PHPFINA
Would you like to create a new feed or overwrite an existing feed? enter 1 for new, 2 for overwrite: 1
Power to kWh processor feed 1 -> feed 2
Output interval: 10s
Would you like to modify the kwh feed interval to be longer than the interval above?
This will reduce disk space use
............................................................Recalculated in 130s
Re: Improved command line tool for creating accumulating kWh feeds from existing power feeds
Trystan thanks for the update . I have an issue that the readline doesn't exist so I get :
php power_to_kwh.php
Power to kWh feed processor
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function readline() in /var/www/emoncms/usefulscripts/process/power_to_kwh.php on line 12