after 1 year and half I tried to upgrade my Raspberry used as emonhub following here:
CURRENT: emonPi and RFM69Pi emonbase ready-to-go SD card image
The system work successfully (after few changes in the configuration).
My simple question is the following: is it possibile to permanently let run only emonhub (without local emoncms e emonLCD) ?
I am using it to collect data from 1 emonTX + 2 emonTH and to send onto emoncms.org.
I wish to minimize resource usage on the Raspberry (especially log writing of emoncms).
Thanks !
Re: Using emonPi/RFM69Pi emonbase ready-to-go SD card image as emonbase (emonhub) only
Here are some details of growing files (not present before to upgrade):
Re: Using emonPi/RFM69Pi emonbase ready-to-go SD card image as emonbase (emonhub) only
And some examples of what logs are filled with:
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Re: Using emonPi/RFM69Pi emonbase ready-to-go SD card image as emonbase (emonhub) only
Hi Emiliano
I would recommend using the previous "pre-emonPi" SDcard image if you just want enonHub especially if you have been using emonHub for sometime and are familiar with it. the 13-03-15 emonSD.img has "original" emonHub, plus the "LAMP" and emoncms is disabled by default.
the "emon-pi variant" is heavily focused on close ties with emoncms and uses MQTT, so even though you just want emonhub there is an apache server, MQTT broker, redis and mySQL servers etc, etc, all unneccesary for a forwarding-only install. Plus as it is focused on a local emoncms, i.e. not remote, there is no in-memory buffering in the "emon-pi variant." Any network issues will result in lost data. IMO, the buffers are essential to a remote install.
emonhub's log files are written to a RAM mounted partition, the partition is limited to 30mb in size and emonhubs logs are limited to a maximum of 2 in rotation, each a max of 5mb, so should not use valuable resourses, or fatigue the SDcard. They are deleted at each reboot,