url uploading and nodes

I have a series of temperature sensors that I am trying to integrate with my EmonCMS instance.  I have a python script that reads the 433MHz data and then posts it to EmonCMS using the URL upload method.

Each sensor can have a house ID and sensor ID set.  I might run out of unique sensor ID's for what I have in mind, so wanted to use both ID's to provide the unique node ID for emoncms.  

Question:  Is emoncms expecting only numbers within the unique node ID?  Or can I use letters as well?


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Re: url uploading and nodes

To answer my own question.  The short answer is no.

Any Unique ID node containing a letter gets truncated.  i.e. the URL that ends in:node=1S3&json={test:252.4}

gets truncated and added in emoncms as an input: node1_test



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