Boot error

When I boot my Pi I am getting an error "ERROR: file not found : '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/raspberrypi/raspberrypi_run.php'"

I am guessing this is a hangover form an old version (now using emonhub) but can anyone tell me where this error is being generated from in the boot sequence please.


pb66's picture

Re: Boot error

The most likely cause could be a service daemon, without knowing where you see the error, what software/versions you had/have installed and what you have now it's a little difficult to be sure.

These 3 lines could well do the trick...

sudo service rfm12piphp stop
sudo rm /etc/init.d/rfm12piphp
sudo update-rc.d -f rfm12piphp remove

but that's based purely on the missing '/var/www/emoncms/Modules/raspberrypi/raspberrypi_run.php' location suggesting it was originally installed manually from git rather than via apt-get package installer.


borpin123's picture

Re: Boot error

Sorry, took a bit of time to get back to this.  Yes that solved it.  Perhaps this could be added to the 'upgrade to emonhub' instruction.

In a similar vein, I see I am still starting timestore.  Having tried to move to the new feeds I think this could also be eliminated.  Can it and if so how?


pb66's picture

Re: Boot error

Where were you seeing the "upgrade to emonHub instruction"? these lines in the "upgrade" dev-emonhub installer script so it should happen automatically behind the scenes 

I'm not so familiar with the emoncms and timestore, maybe some else can jump in.



borpin123's picture

Re: Boot error

Hi Paul, I think I followed one of your posts here on the forum.  I do not remember running a script but it was a while back and maybe the script in new?  No bother - thanks for your help.

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