I'm trying to fix my energy logging. I've had some strange issues. The inputs come in normal, but the feed doesn't. I have tried deleting the feed and re doing the inputs but that hasn't help.
I'm trying to log from two different CT's. They send normal inputs and I can see them update almost every 10 seconds. But the first input logs fine, the second one stopped a few months ago and won't update. Again, I deleted the input and the feed and again only the first CT updates on the feed. The inputs are normal. What else can I do?
Re: Strange Issue with a Feed
We need to know more. Are you talking about emoncms.org or your own, and if the latter, which version?
Re: Strange Issue with a Feed
More info would be good including something on your input/processing and feeds too.
Are you using a +input processor?
If so when you "deleted the input and the feed " are you deleting the "incomplete" feed and the "missing" input without deleting thw +input? the +input will remain related to the deleted input not the replacement input.
This can be caused by inputs without processing being accidentally deleted (by system or user) when the data is then updated the missing/deleted input is replaced automatically and the user is unaware, unless any other input processing chains were using that input, Any references to a missing/deleted input will prevent the processing continuing beyond that point,
To prevent this happening a log to feed must be used on the second input and a +feed used in place of the +input so that the 2nd inputs chain isn't empty and therefore won't get deleted by a housekeeping script if one is used, plus the +feed will always be the same id making it far more robust.
Re: Strange Issue with a Feed
I am hosting myself. I'm using version 8.4. And I was using the +input function so I'll check that out.