When using the main sketch (emonTx_DiscreteSampling), energy must be calculated on emoncms using the "Power to Kwh" processor input. As explained here, it can cause large errors (RF packet lost, internet connection down, emoncms down , ...).
So, I would like to modify this sketch in order to calculate the total accumulated wh on-board the TX. Correct me if I'm wrong but it must not be very difficult. One just needs to measure the time elapsed since the last sent and then add the corresponding energy (power x time-elapsed).
My first concern is that it seems so simple to me at first sight ... Am I missing something ? Has anybody already wrote such a sketch ?
Another concern :
Will it still be possible to catch interrupts (pulse counting) with the same sketch ? If there is a high number of pulses, it may be difficult to measure the time elapsed since the last sent ?
Thank's for your help.
Re: Calculating Wh totals in the discrete sampling sketch
Hello Eric, your not missing anything, it would be good to add this to the discrete sampling sketch. The frequency of pulse counting is usually quite slow and the time request to process an interrupt relatively short, I dont think it would affect the time elapsed significantly but I haven't tested it.
Re: Calculating Wh totals in the discrete sampling sketch
Ok , it will try to implement that. There is a real need.
The frequency of pulse counting can easily reach 10 Hz on buildings I'm monitoring (36 kW + 1 pulse/1Wh = 10 pulses/second). I have no idea about the time request to process an interrupt (the ISR is quite short), but one can assume that it may affect significantly the time elapsed between two sent. Any opinion on that point ?
Correct me if I am wrong but one can't measure the exact elapsed time between two sent with millis() or micros() because these functions are not incrementing during an ISR.
So the solution would be to set up a timer interrupt to calculate kWh and send data at very precise rate. But I don't know if timer interrupt and pulse interrupt can coexist in the same sketch. I don't know either how to make the emontx sleep at low-power between two sent.
Some inputs ?
Re: Calculating Wh totals in the discrete sampling sketch
Finally, I added the Wh totals calculation in the emonTxV3_2_DiscreteSampling sketch (sorry, I have no TX3.4) simply by measuring the exact elapsed time between two calculation with millis().
First, I modified the emonTX payload :
Before calculating power and energy, it measures the time since the last calculation
Then it calculates the totals Wh just before updating the power like this :
As I will not try to catch interrupt with the same TX, nor try to measure temperature, it should work fine.
Doing that, I noticed that the real time between two sent is 11,2 seconds + few ms whereas the constant TIME_BETWEEN_READINGS was 10. When logging data every 10s in emoncms, many data are lost (10%). It can be problematic when using some process/grah
200 ms are "lost" here :
One second is lost anywhere else (during the sampling ?)
So, I made some modification to get a time between two sent equal to 10s + few ms.
A good solution would be to set up a timer interrupt to calculate kWh and send data at very precise rate. Will it work with pulse counting or temperature sensing ? I will have a look on that later.
Re: Calculating Wh totals in the discrete sampling sketch
TIME_BETWEEN_READINGS is actually the delay while the processor sleeps in low power mode (as you've discovered). The extra time is that taken to make the readings (200 ms per CT) plus the time to calculate the averages and process the result, get the temperature (if required), print the results to serial (if you're doing that) and to send the data.