High Power reading

I am getting some very high readings on my EmonTX of up to 10kWh for a couple of minutes.  It is only a domestic install so if that was correct it should blow the 32A MCB I'd have thought.  Any ideas what may be causing it?

pb66's picture

Re: High Power reading

I'm guessing it's possible these excessively high readings are coming from the same source as the rogue inputs in your "how to remove rogue node IDs" thread,


borpin123's picture

Re: High Power reading

But what would be causing them?  The power is measured by a CT and the extra nodes all say inactive so I can't see a connection.

pb66's picture

Re: High Power reading

There is very little information to go on, you would need to tell us more about what you are seeing and what your setup is.

Your other post that went up at the same time mentions rogue data arriving and creating additional nodes, the only reason you can tell is because of the new nodes/inputs are easy to spot, if you where also receiving rogue data with starting with a nodeid that was already in use, you would not see a new input, only values that where out of the ordinary would be visible which is what you have.

The only connection is that they seem to have appeared around the same time and could quite easily be related. It will be quite difficult to trace specific frames of data to workout the source of the high values, but the rogue inputs are easier to spot,so work that to your advantage and target them first.


borpin123's picture

Re: High Power reading

AH, accidentally noticed something; I think it is a problem with the charting.  If I reload the page several times, I get different charts each time especially the peaks.

Looking at the feed I am charting it is a simple log-to-feed but using the PHPFINA engine.  Could this be the issue? Feed originally created years ago.  I have had some fun with the feeds and converting them but perhaps this is the issue.

pb66's picture

Re: High Power reading

Could it be where the charting is selecting the data points closest to the points calculated to give the chosen resolution and when you refresh you are offsetting the points by whatever time has passed since last refresh?

The only way to confirm is to look at the data in an export, neat time you spot a high reading export the data for a period that includes that point. I believe phpfina looks for datapoints that align with now minus any multiple of (reporting period/number of points)


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