Setting baud rate for /dev/ttyUSB0

Im running Emonhub at RasPi with USB Jeelink instead of RF12 RPi. So my serial communication goes through /dev/ttyUSB0 (changed in emonhub.conf). Everything work fine at 9600 Baud, but now I would like to make it faster and to increase baud rate to 38400. I can do it via stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 38400 command, but after rebooting is it back at 9600. Does someone has a tip, where could be changed this baud rate to 38400 permanently?


pb66's picture

Re: Setting baud rate for /dev/ttyUSB0

Hi Radek

The baud of the JeeLink is hard coded into the sketch, but setting the serial baud in emonHub is pretty straight forward, just add the line "com_baud = 38400" to emonhub.conf in the init_settings for the interfacer where you set "com_port = /dev/ttyUSB0".


rbreuss's picture

Re: Setting baud rate for /dev/ttyUSB0

Thanks Paul. I do confirm, your solution works as expected. I have changed baud rate also in Jeelink sketch, so now my communication runs at 38400 baud. Thanks


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