Can someone please explain Vcal calculation?
In source sketch it is defined as 268.97, but on the same line there is another result in comment - (230V x 13) / (9V x 1.2) = 276.9 Calibration.
Which one is the right one then?
And second question is - if I power the unit from 8VAC doorbell transformer, how should I evaluate new calibration value?
Thanks, Milan
Re: Vcal calculation
You can read how the number is derived in Building Blocks > CT and AC power adaptor installation and calibration theory. That should answer both questions.
Re: Vcal calculation
I did read the article and it is OK.
One thing remains unexplained - if Vcal formula evaluation is 276.9, why value of 268.97 in the sketch is used?
I know is just 3%, but I do not know why.
Re: Vcal calculation
You'll find a table that I think is correct in Building Blocks > Calibration. The "1.2" in the comment formula is a guess for typical value of the regulation of a small transformer such as is used in plug-top adapters generally (and was indeed close to the actual value for a previous recommended adapter). The accurate figures using the manufacturer's data for our present recommended adapter are in that table.