followed install guide and a few files mentioned not to be found

Followed this guide when installed my pi from scratch:

but 2 files mentioned i could not find anywhere:


same for 660.log

where could they be? and does the step matter?

pb66's picture

Re: followed install guide and a few files mentioned not to be found

According to that guide, editing /etc/php5/conf.d/suhosin.ini is only required in Debian 6, it's absence suggests it might not be needed, are you using Debian 6 ?

And I can find no mention of "660.log" only "sudo chmod 660 emoncms.log" which is setting the permisions of a file called "emoncms.log" to "660"

boelle's picture

Re: followed install guide and a few files mentioned not to be found

nope and i did not see the note on Debian 6... must have been blind


the emoncms log... that i should be able to find once i have imported all my old data... and i guess its only important in case of debugging

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