Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response


I just installed EmonCMS on my Server according to the installation guide. Now starting a web request on the folder or on the index.php file gives no response. I do see a blank screen. No error message as "Can't connect to database, please verify ...", it is just a white screen.

Starting up files like core.php gives the reply "Restricted access", so PHP is working.

Does anybody know what could be the reason for that behaviour?

Thank you so much!

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

Hi Timo, can you PM me your URL, so I can check from here?.
I would have thought that if there was a problem, an error message would be forthcoming...


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

Well if it helps, accessing your URL gives me a 'The server responded with a status of 500 (server failed to respond)' error. However I am able to access the other files within your /emoncms folder, such as

So it appears that your root/directory structure is OK, but for some reason emoncms is not running.

I would make a start by ensuring that you have all of the key emoncms dependencies available and activated within your hosting package (you can see what is required here

Ever thought of hosting it yourself? for the one off payment for a Raspberry Pi and a few other bits you would have total control over your site and no ongoing hosting costs.


Ion2's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

Hey Paul!

Isn’t it strange? I uploaded a info.php file to to see if PHP is working and what kind of setup is running. It looks good so far:

  • Apache2 is running
  • mySQL 5.5.40 is running
  • PHP Version 5.3.10 is running

What I do not know is the following, mentioned by your link:

  • pecl - what is that?
  • pear - what is that?
  • Could “mod_rewrite” be the issue? According info.php the module is loaded (lookup Configuration/apache2handler in the output of info.php).

This is everything what the “Install Emoncms v8 on Ubuntu / Debian Linux” link prescribes on installation dependencies.

I took the from the installation guide by the using the link and did no alterations beside the configuration of the settings.php. The folders phpfiwa, phpfina and phptimeseries have been created in the private folder of the server and the settings.php points there. The settings.php also requests a link to the folder phptimestore (which was not mentioned by the installation guide). I also created that folder.

Do you have any ideas why index.php gives no indication of what could be wrong? I really would like to use my server as my father, who lives in a different country, should participate.


[Duplicate post deleted by moderator (RW)]

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

Pear & Pecl are php libraries of commonly used code which support particular php functions.
Not sure how you would check if they are installed or not, or if their absence would cause the problem that you are experiencing, as I've never used emoncms on shared hosting.

Hopefully, someone with more experience with shared hosting will pick this up.



JD's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

My shared hosting has a page in the Control Panel called "System Information" which lists the versions of PHP etc and installed modules.  I see "pear" in there, but not "pecl"... maybe that's why my shared hosting doesn't work!

I switched to a virtual private server (VPS).  For $5 USD a month you can get what's essentially a raspberry pi in the cloud, where you can install emoncms and have full control of Linux.  It's fast too.  

If you go the VPS route (or expose your raspberry pi to the internet) make sure you follow Linux security instructions:  disable root login, change passwords to something complicated, and install fail2ban.  I get thousands of ssh login attempts per day!  They are usually trying to login as "root" or "admin" or "pi" and trying to guess passwords.

Bill Thomson's picture

Re: Shared Linux Hosting - index.php gives no response

Pear & Pecl are php libraries of commonly used code which support particular php functions.
Not sure how you would check if they are installed or not, or if their absence would cause the problem that you are experiencing, as I've never used emoncms on shared hosting.

Hopefully, someone with more experience with shared hosting will pick this up.


I thought I'd installed a local copy of emoncms without pecl/pear, but couldn't remember for sure. (I definitely had not performed an emoncms installation on a VPS) So I set up a VPS ( and did not install pear or pecl. All of the other dependencies listed in the docs at (except for ufw) were installed. None of the add-on modules were installed. After copying and modifying settings.php, I was able to register a user and send data to the newly installed emoncms, viewable here:

As a kind of double-check, I installed the same configuration on a local linux box running Debian 7.4.0 (Wheezy) and got the same results, i.e a working instance of emoncms without pecl or pear.


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